Poetry Chain
English (English)
Mac OS X
MS Windows
Web standard
Poetry Chain is a game about coming together for communal hilarity. Limericks, haikus, it's all on the table!
The game was brought to life by a group of strangers become friends for GCJ 2024 at Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ontario.
Unleash your inner poet. Write the most absurd poem solo or locally with friends!
Developed by
Jon Deaves
Manaas Arora
Victor Luong
Warning: Coarse Language
The game was brought to life by a group of strangers become friends for GCJ 2024 at Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ontario.
Unleash your inner poet. Write the most absurd poem solo or locally with friends!
Developed by
Jon Deaves
Manaas Arora
Victor Luong
Warning: Coarse Language
Technology Notes
Built using web technology; Typescript, React and Next.js