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Who can participate in GGJ

Who can participate in Global Game Jam?

Anyone can participate, as long as they are over the age of majority in the country hosting the jam (in most places this is 18, but check with your local site if you are not sure). People ages 16 & 17 can participate with a signed parental permission slip. Underage jammers can also participate if they are accompanied by a legal guardian. 

Experience is not necessary. Designers, developers, artists, musicians, knitters, gardeners, architects, everyone and anyone is welcome to try their hand at making a game during the GGJ. You can lean many new skills and support your team by contributing ideas, playtesting, and giving moral support. You could work on a non-digital game, and then there's no need for code!

Jammers ages 12-17 may also participate in GGJ Next, which now runs concurrently with GGJ. Find a GGJ Next site near you or register to host one.