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  • Title
  • Stage
  • Features
  • Response from Alien from spoken text
  • game keeps going

German (Deutsch)

Mac OS X
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies
Tell the aliens stories and trigger different emotions, avoiding words and topics that the aliens don't like and instead using topics that they do like.
In-game language is German only for now

Erzähle den Aliens Geschichten und löse verschiedene Emotionen aus, vermeide dabei Worte und Themen, die die Aliens nicht mögen und nutze stattdessen Themen, die sie mögen.
Technology Notes
* Requires Docker installed
* Requires a Microphone
* CUDA installed (oterwise the translator is very slow)
* CUDA Developer driver installed
* Visual Studio installed
Installation Instructions
For Mac OSX run "Story Teller MAC OSX" for Windows run the .exe
Follow the Readme from the Git Prepository to make speech to text work and connect to ChatGPT