Mazui Manzai
Japanese (日本語)
Game Diversifiers
Explore the possibilities - (Sponsored by Leonardo.Ai)
Lunch Special
All For One
Art of the Tank
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies
Godot Engine
「ますゆい 漫才」は、2人のプレイヤーが古典的な漫才コンビを体現する面白いゲームです。攻撃するプレイヤーと回避するプレイヤーがお互いにぶつかり、成功した攻撃は笑いのネタを引き起こします。笑いにあふれたコミカルでダイナミックなゲーム体験です。
"Mazui Manzai" is a hilarious game where two players embody a classic manzai comedy duo. One player attacks while the other dodges, and successful hits trigger side-splitting jokes. It's a comedic and dynamic gaming experience full of laughter.
"Mazui Manzai" is a hilarious game where two players embody a classic manzai comedy duo. One player attacks while the other dodges, and successful hits trigger side-splitting jokes. It's a comedic and dynamic gaming experience full of laughter.