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I Would Rather


English (English)

Tools and Technologies
Tabletop Technology
a social game for 4-8 players that shows who is the best at advocating for terrible situations.

what’s in the box:

7x Level 3 I Would Rather cards
7x Level 2 I Would Rather cards
7x Level 1 I Would Rather cards
10x blank cards

setting up:

Take out the cards and put them into 3 stacks, one stack for cards marked with a 1, one stack for cards marked with a 2, and one stack for cards marked with a 3, place these stacks in the middle of the play area.

Play a game with the default cards, and then try making your own! The blank cards are for players to write their own I Would Rather statements on. After writing a statement, discuss with your friends the severity of the statement on a scale of 1-3, 1 being the least severe and 3 being the most.

starting the game:

Sit in a circle. Determine who the first Moderator is. The first Moderator is whoever most recently ate ice cream. If you can’t figure that out, just let the oldest player be the first Moderator.

playing the game:

Once the first moderator has been chosen, the first two players sitting to their right become Debaters.

All players who are not either a Debater or a Moderator become Judges.

The two Debaters draw a card from any of the three card stacks in the middle of the play area, the cards are sorted by difficulty.

The first player to draw reads their statement aloud, beginning with “I Would Rather…” and the second player reads their statement aloud, beginning with “And I Would Rather…”

Once the second player has read their statement aloud, the Moderator will begin a timer for 2 minutes.

During this 2 minute window, the Debaters will argue, trying to convince all other players that they would also rather do what is stated on the card. There is no specific time for each Debater, they may talk over each other, take turns, or interrupt each other at will. It is a ruthless battle.

During this 2 minute window, if any questions arise as to the specifics of a player’s “I Would Rather” statement, the time will be paused and the Moderator will make an informed decision based on absolutely nothing, just whatever they think would be funny.

For Example: If a player reads the card, “I would rather be set on fire for thirty seconds,” and the players argue whether or not they would be doused in gasoline beforehand, the Moderator will choose.

After the 2 minutes is over, each judge decides who’s “I Would Rather” statement they’d rather perform.

If there is an even number of judges, and there is a tie between which Debater should win the round, the Moderator will ultimately decide who wins.

If you win a round, you receive a number of points equal to the number written on the card. So if you win a round after choosing a Level 3 card, you receive 3 points.

You can keep a pile of cards you’ve won and add them up at the end, keep track of points in your head, or just lie about how much you’ve scored. The points don’t matter anyway.

At the end of the round, play proceeds clockwise, with the first person to the Moderator’s right becoming the new moderator, and the next two after that will become the new Debater’s.

Play ends when there are less than two cards remaining, and no further debates can happen.

Whoever has the most points may think they won, but it’s really whoever laughed the most.

have fun!