The Tree of Balance

You are a colorful bumblebee in this word. Your only mission is to keep the tree in balance by collecting potatoes and feeding the root of the tree with them. However, you will not be able to make this by your own. Invite you friends to play together so each one will have a different color and you will be able to balance the color of the tree. The goal is make the tree white. To play use: [W] -> Move Forward [A] -> Rotate Left [S] -> Move Backward [D] -> Rotate right [SPACE] -> Dash Forward
Jam year: 
Dungeon Master (Sponsored by coherence)
Sharing is caring (Sponsored by GitHub)
MS Windows, Web standard (HTML5, Java, JavaScript, Flash)
Tools and Technologies: 
coherence, GitHub, Unity (any product)
Installation Instructions: 

To open the Project: Download the project .zip and open with Unity 2021.3.17f1
To play the game using Executable, the project was compiled for Windows and WebGL


Jonathan Villanueva: Game Design, Multiplayer, Testing

Sergio Valderrama: Game Design, Mechanics

Tatiana Delgadillo: Draws & Design, Testing

Game Stills: 
Source files: 
Game Tags: 