Dude, where's my signal!?

Help the poor business man get a phone signal to stay on the phone with the recruiter! Stack and stick the animals together to lift up the business man. Get his cellphone into a signal spot so that he can stay on the phone, but stay on your toes: the signal spot changes constantly and you have to keep boosting him further up! If you take too long to get back in signal range, the recruiter becomes impatient and ends the call.
Jam year: 
DESIGN - Feathered Friends
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies: 
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes: 
Adobe Animate Logic Pro X Pro Tools First Audacity GitHub Kenney.nl opengameart.org Photoshop

Matt Levonian - Programming - mattlevonian.com

Ysidro Hartzell - 2D Art / Game Design - ysidrohartzell.wordpress.com

Kyle van Wiltenburg - Music Composition / Sound Effects / Audio Implementation - vanwilte.wixsite.com/kvanwiltenburg

Tristan Postley - Game Design

David Haynes - Game Design - @denglish_design on Twitter / denglishdesign.com

Game Stills: 
Source files: 