
MicroQuest is a RPG game, where the character will have to fight very quirky characters through a world that changes every time you make a decision, which can produce great or horrible events on earth.
Jam Site: 
Jam year: 
MS Windows, Microsoft Windows Phone, Tizen device, Web standard (HTML5, Java, JavaScript, Flash)
Technology Notes: 
Intels XDK, Tizen IDE, Visual Studio for Windows Phone 2012, Visual Studio for Windows 2013
Installation Instructions: 

For the Windows installer:

1.- Open "Add-AppDevPackage.ps1"  file with Powershell & follow the instructions


For Windows Phone 8: 

1.- Just install the .xap in the terminal


For Tizen: 

1.- You could use the Tizen IDE to import the wgt file like a "Web project and Wiget file" and deploy to your terminal


Programming: Luis Ornes

Art: Camil Adell

Game Stills: 
Source files: