Montenegro GlobalGameJam by SESCG

Hotel Pharos
    • Montenegro GameJam 2024 Bar by SESCG
      Sa zadovoljstvom vas pozivamo na prvi game jam koji organizuje Savez elektronskih sportova Crne Gore u saradnji sa Turističkom organizacijom Bara! Ovaj uzbudljivi događaj će se odigrati od 26. do 28. januara u prelepom hotelu Pharos u Baru.
      Game jam predstavlja jedinstvenu priliku za entuzijaste, dizajnere igara, programere i kreativce da se okupe i stvore nešto jedinstveno za samo nekoliko dana. Tokom ova tri dana, timovi će imati priliku da pokažu svoje talente, razvijaju originalne koncepte i kroz saradnju stvaraju igre koje će zadiviti publiku.
      Očekujemo raznovrsne ideje, kreativnost u izobilju i nezaboravno iskustvo koje će okupiti ljubitelje igara iz različitih delova Crne Gore. Pridružite nam se na ovom putovanju stvaranja, deljenja ideja i razvoja igara u opuštenoj atmosferi hotela Pharos, uz podršku lokalne zajednice i entuzijasta iz sveta igara.
      Priključite se Game jam-u u Baru, stvorite, zabavljajte se i podelite svoje strastveno stvaralaštvo sa svetom igara! Vidimo se od 26. do 28. januara u hotelu Pharos u Baru.

      Ovaj događaj je otvorenog tipa, pozivamo sve ljude, bez obzira na pozadinu, talente ili afinitete, da nam se pridruže.
      Dogodit će se u hotelu koji ima obezbijeđena parking mjesta, a za sve učesnike će biti obezbijeđene i osvježavajući napici. Važno je napomenuti da je potrebno da učesnici ponesu svoje laptopove i periferije koje koriste za kreiranje igrica. Internet će biti obezbijeđen, stoga će timovi imati pristup svim potrebnim resursima za razvoj svojih projekata.
      Osim toga, molimo sve učesnike da se pojave barem pola sata prije zvaničnog početka događaja. Na taj način, osigurat ćemo glatki početak i dovoljno vremena za organizaciju timova. Radujemo se vašem prisustvu na ovom kreativnom putovanju i zajedničkom stvaranju igara. Vidimo se na Global Game Jam-u!
      🏆Nagradni fond

      Montenegro GameJam 2024 in Bar by SESCG

      We are pleased to invite you to the first game jam organized by the Montenegro Electronic Sports Federation in collaboration with the Tourist Organization of Bar! This exciting event will take place from January 26th to 28th at the beautiful Pharos Hotel in Bar.

      The game jam offers a unique opportunity for enthusiasts, game designers, programmers, and creatives to come together and create something unique in just a few days. Over these three days, teams will have the chance to showcase their talents, develop original concepts, and collaboratively create games that will awe the audience.

      We expect diverse ideas, abundant creativity, and an unforgettable experience that will bring together game enthusiasts from different parts of Montenegro. Join us on this journey of creation, idea-sharing, and game development in the relaxed atmosphere of the Pharos Hotel, with the support of the local community and gaming enthusiasts.

      Join the GameJam in Bar, create, have fun, and share your passionately crafted creations with the gaming world! See you from January 26th to 28th at the Pharos Hotel in Bar.

      This event is open to everyone, regardless of background, talents, or interests. It will take place in a hotel with provided parking spaces, and refreshing beverages will be available for all participants. It is important to note that participants should bring their laptops and peripherals used for game creation. Internet access will be provided, ensuring teams have access to all necessary resources for their project development.

      Additionally, we kindly ask all participants to arrive at least half an hour before the official start of the event. This way, we will ensure a smooth start and enough time for team organization. We look forward to your presence on this creative journey and collaborative game creation. See you at the Global Game Jam!

      🏆 Prize Pool
      🥇 €750
      🥈 €250
    • Event Start Time
      Event End Time
      Age Restrictions
      16+ only
      Entrance Fee
      Maximum Capacity
      Open for entire 48 hours
      Who Can Participate
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