High Point University

Photograph of HPU's game lab, a simple classroom with 5 rows of 4 desktop computers each. The walls are whiteboards with writing and sketching on them.
    • We are a private University in a small town in NC, USA, accepting only students at this Univesrity. If participating HPU students want to collaborate with friends outsid of the University, they will have to either register their friends to physically visit, or definitely allow them to participate remotely through discord.

      20 computers are available with: Unreal Engine, Unity, Stencyl, 3ds Max, Maya, Blender, the Adobe Suite, and more!
    • Event Start Time
      Event End Time

      English (English)

      Age Restrictions
      18+ only
      Entrance Fee
      Open for entire 48 hours for all HPU students
      Who Can Participate
      Any HPU student and guests of HPU students may attend.
      Available Tools or Technology
      20 computers are available with: Unreal Engine, Unity, Stencyl, 3ds Max, Maya, Blender, and the Adobe Suite.
    • Font Awesome Icon
      24 Hour Security
      Font Awesome Icon
      Alcohol Free or Alcohol Free Spaces
      Font Awesome Icon
      Completely Non Smoking